Mon Valley Century Bicycle Tour — Monongahela, PA
Mon Valley Century Bicycle Tour
Come out for a ride! This is part of a trail and road ride series sponsored by the Ohio River Trail Council (ORTC) intended to bring awareness to the wonderful trails in our quad-state region (Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia). All cyclists are welcome for this moderate-paced ride.
Join the Ohio River Trail Council Cycling Club as we tour the Mon Valley. We begin at the Monongahela Aquatorium Monongahela, Pa and ride 50, 70 and 100 miles thru scenic southwestern Pennsylvania. All courses are well marked and with a number of radio dispatched sag wagons patrolling all the courses, so help for the cyclist in need is never far away. Several rest stops are scattered along the course providing water, light snacks and a safe place for a short rest. Sanitary facilities are also available at some of stops.About midway thru the course at Gallatin/Sunny Side Park a lunch of sandwiches, salad, snacks and drinks will be served by friendly, smiling faces.Finally back to the Monongahela Aquatorium the point from where you began the tour and your car awaits, Proceeds from the MVC will be used to support the Monessen Amateur Radio Club and its community-related activities. For more information visit http://monvalleycentury.com
Do not forget your camera!